
Cold Steel Magnum Machete Kukri Knife With Sheath CS97MKM

Product Code CS97MKM
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The machete, over the last three centuries, has proven to be the ultimate outdoor and survival tool. It will cut, chop, slash, hack, split, scrape, scoop, hammer, dig, crush, carve, whittle, crack or smash just about anything you can put in front of it.
The machete also makes a deadly improvised weapon. It can be used to kill both fish and game and will gut, scale, filet, skin, quarter, and butcher them for the table as well. And when you look at its meagre cost, it's got to be one of the best bargains for hard earned cash in the world.
After testing many blades around the world Cold Steel decided that those made in South Africa offered the best value and performance. These blades are made out of SAE 1055 medium carbon steel and are dipped in a special antirust solution before being a black baked on finish. Each machete comes with a good utility edge that will cut right out of the box and, with a little work, can be made hair shaving sharp. The handles of our machetes are made out of polypropylene and permanently injected melded around the blade's tang. They have been designed to provide a comfortable secure grip and to last practically forever, as they are highly resistant to chipping, cracking or breaking so they last practically forever.

There's no single edged weapon that we can think of that can out-chop or out-cut a good Kukri. It's true that the best Kukris, like our LTC and Gurkha models, can be somewhat expensive. While those "thoroughbreds" perform extraordinarily well for the money that they cost, it sometimes seems that what's required is a good, inexpensive, "workhorse" model. Our Kukri Machetes are those workhorses. They are available in two sizes, one has a thirteen inch blade and the other, our new "Magnum" model has a whopping seventeen inch blade. Both are ready to plow through the toughest chores life can dish out. Each features the distinctive weight-forward balance of our "top-of-the-line" models, and always present their edge on an angle so they're guaranteed to "bite" deep with every stroke. Additionally, they come complete with a sturdy Cordura sheath! They're a solid value, ready for long, hard work.
Blade: 17"
Overall: 22"
Weight: 18.2 oz.
Thickness: 2.75mm
Handle: Polypropylene handles on both models
Sheath: Cordura